What Is Nicotine Fading & Can It Help You Quit?
Nicotine substitutions can help you quit smoking, but learn how Nicotine Fading can help you quit smoking along with nicotine addiction.

And how can it help you in achieving your quitting goals?

It’s no secret that the nicotine found in the vast majority of cigarettes can be highly addictive. It’s the reason that so many smokers are unable to ultimately kick the habit. As of 2016, there were an estimated 37.8 million smokers in America alone with roughly 70% desiring to quit. And yet, of those who then attempt to quit, only 5% actually succeed.

Why is this? Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms

In most cases, nicotine withdrawal symptoms are simply too great to overcome, at least when trying to quit cold turkey or when trying extreme quitting methods. And it’s not hard to see why these symptoms can get the best of you. Nicotine affects nearly all areas of your body, from your heart and blood vessels to your hormones and brain function.

For a more detailed breakdown of both the physical and emotional symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, head over to this blog post here.

So how is it that you can combat or minimize the effects these symptoms can have?

Enter Nicotine Fading

Nicotine fading (sometimes referred to as the Nicotine Tapering Method) is a smoking reduction technique that does not use any chemicals, is non-invasive, and minimizes the effects of nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Since it may be the most natural form of quitting, nicotine fading is often used in professional recovery programs.

How Does Nicotine Fading Work?

Over an established period of time, you will gradually cut back on the number of cigarettes you consume. By gradually reducing the amount of nicotine you consume, or fading out, you minimize the effects of withdrawal, making it easier for you to quit smoking altogether should you wish.

Why Choose Nicotine Fading Over Other Quitting Methods?

Nicotine fading is one of the only quitting solutions that addresses nicotine addiction. Most quitting techniques fail to address or even acknowledge the habit of nicotine cigarettes. Nicotine patches may treat the habit of smoking but not the addiction. With nicotine fading, not only are you reducing the amount of cigarettes you smoke, but you are also subtly and gradually liberating your body of extreme nicotine addiction.

As you gradually reduce your nicotine consumption, you minimize and alleviate some of the physical and emotional symptoms listed above. Towards the end of your reduction plan, suddenly quitting seems much more feasible and the fear of relapse is diminished, giving you the confidence to make that final leap to quit.

Where Does Slighter Come In?

Slighter was developed around the idea that reducing gradually and slowly is the right way to overcome smoking addiction. It is a completely chemical-free reduction tool to help you cut back on smoking and nicotine addiction. With a custom reduction program created by our innovative software, Slighter can help you reach the point where nicotine withdrawal is no longer a concern.

With Slighter, you have a personal coach helping you gradually fade off of nicotine while reducing the amount of cigarettes you consume, all in an effective and chemical-free way.


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